
Technological transfer of prefabricated concrete-steel weighbridges and subsequent improvements made to the transferred knowhow by Fard Iran together with the potential demand in the domestic market and the continued need to facilitate the transportation of domestic goods, have turned Company production into modern facilities equipped with 5-30 ton overhead lifts, presses, lathing and milling machinery, plasma-cutting and welding equipment, rectifiers, concrete making stations, massive concrete molds, quality control laboratories, just to name a few.

Fard Iran size and facilities now make it the largest road weighbridge producer in the Middle East and rank it as the number 8 producer of precision measurement instruments in the world. Fard Iran is recognized as the largest producer of prefabricated concrete pieces in international weighing industry by its domestic and international suppliers and customers.
Fard Iran comprehensive computer system includes sales, marketing, customer services, finance, and administration software. This system is available to staff, production, and support personnel as well as customers through Company portal. This system has elevated Fard Iran to the level of highly recognized international companies in this industry.
Accredited laboratories of Pars Sivan Electric Company, a Fard Iran affiliate, equipped with the latest laboratory instrumentation and its close collaboration with Iran Standard Institute, enables Company to control the quality, sensitivity, and accuracy of its measurement instruments and systems along with constantly improving companywide quality assurance programs.
Research and Development (R & D) has been a key department at Fard Iran from Company inception. This department has been able to undertake the studying, designing, production, installation, commissioning, and servicing large and complicated systems including test balancing, dynamic weighing systems, and many other similar projects.

Nomination of Fard Iran as the leading industry by numerous state organizations including Ministry of Industry, Mining, and Commerce; Ministry of Cooperatives; Ministry of Public Welfare and Social Security; Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs; and Iran National Standard Institute in consecutive years has roots in guiding ideals of Company founder who was elected as 2011 man of year in global legal metrology.
Installation of more than 20,000 truck weighbridges in Iran and other countries in mid Asia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Africa during two decades of commercial activities is the fruit of committed, caring, creative, and innovative Fard Iran managers and employees who always pursue Company’s strategic objectives and keep their activities oriented toward customer needs and desires.
Fard Iran enjoys a current monthly capacity for design, production, installation, and commissioning of 200 weighbridges in various models in different capacities and sizes.

Fard Iran has plans to become one of the three leading international companies in production and calibration of precision measurement instruments as well as industry automation by 2025